3.0 kilotweets

27 February 2012
9:17 AM

In 2007 I created my Twitter account in an Internet cafe in Santiago, Chile because I read on some blog that it was a big deal at SXSW. I spent some time deliberating between the username @ryangreenberg (which I use on a number of other services) and @greenberg. Eventually I decided on @greenberg because it seemed like being short was a big deal on Twitter. Just a few minutes ago I posted my 3,000th tweet on Twitter. Four years and a few thousand tweets later, not only am I still tweeting, but along the way I somehow ended up working for the company. What a ride.

Profile card on Twitter at 3,000 tweets

Here’s a Harper’s Index-style look at my first 3,000 tweets:

  • Number of tweets I sent between July 10, 2007 and February 27, 2012: 3,000
  • Number of words written: 53,066
  • Kilobytes of text: 302
  • Median time between tweets: 6 hours, 43 minutes
  • Average time between tweets: 13 hours, 32 minutes
  • Longest time between two tweets: 84 days between tweet #1 (“Finally signing up with Twitter.”) and tweet #2 (“Wondering if there is something ironic about Superman bandaids.”)
  • Most tweets in a single day: 13 on January 2, 2010, a top ten list of the best years of the decade
  • Retrospectively, do I wish I sounded less whiny sometimes: a little.
  • Number of URLs posted: 571
  • Number of hashtags used in tweets: 155
  • Number of @mentions used in tweets: 768
  • Most frequently mentioned people: @MIGreenberg (40), @npdoty (36), @caitearly (21), @michaelischool (20), and @kevinweil (16).
  • Number of OHs and quotes: 211

Tweet Length

Graph of distribution of tweet length
  • Number of tweets that are exactly 140 chars: 133 (about 4% of them)


  • Periods: 4,705
  • Single quotes, apostrophes: 1,839
  • Double quotes: 1,618
  • Commas: 1,560
  • Colons: 1,421
  • Ellipses: 143
  • Em dashes: 110
  • Semicolons: 71
  • En dashes: 14


  • Tweets that mention the New Yorker: 18
  • Tweets that mention the Apple or OS X: 47
  • Tweets that mention Twitter: 102

And here are a few of my favorites.

My shortest tweet—four characters—is how I let friends and family know my then-girlfriend’s response when I asked her to marry me:

And the next year when we tied the knot:

A couple graduations:

And starting work at Twitter:

I’m looking forward to the next kilotweet. If you are too, follow @greenberg over on Twitter.
