
22 November 2005
10:03 AM

Postal jackpot!

Here in Bolivia every letter you get is exciting. So far I’ve received a few, which have included pleasant surprises like books and pressed leaves from my home state of Utah. But today we received a package that shattered any previous postal expectations we might have had.

Caitlin, Emily, Roy, and I are four of the current seven international volunteers with Holy Cross Associates, but there are 30 others living and working in six U.S. cities as well. Four of those are Kate, Aly, Mandi, and Chris from the house in Brockton, Mass. Today, in a gesture of program fellowship, we received a rockin’ package from the Brockton crew. It was a breath of fresh air—or whatever type of air it is that we have—from the States. The contents included:

Of course, we promptly divvied up the booty and gorged ourselves on candy. For those of you readers concerned about our dental hygine after all that candy, don’t worry—Brockton had enough sense to send us an 8-pack of Trident too. My Bolivian host family was excited also. “This is the first thing I’ve eaten from the United States!” my host mom Juana said. I even read almost the entire National Enquirer, even though I don’t think I ever did that in the U.S. My favorite part was a “clarification” on page two:

“A photograph of Ms. [Ashley] Olsen appeared on the cover together with the headline ‘Ashley Olsen caught in Drug Scandel.’ … The National Enquirer wants to make clear to its readers that, by its cover and headlines, it did not intend to accuse Ms. Olsen of being involved in any ‘drug scandal’ or of being involved in any way with illegal drugs.”

At least I now know that I don’t need any training in silly “journalistic standards” if I want a job with the National Enquirer when I get home. In the meantime, the Chile crew sends a heartfelt thanks to Mandi, Aly, Chris, and Kate!
