Zoolander Anonymous

16 February 2003
11:10 PM

I'm just moments away from the end of the weekend. It was a good one. Friday after I finished my paper and was ready to crash, I found myself in the situation of not having time to do that. Here's the story:

When I got back to my room after work, Sean called and let me know it was time to put Plan X into action. Plan X, of course being the plan I came up with a few months ago which involves me dressing up as a waiter and serving him and Margaret in the dining hall. It was a short notice situation, but thanks to my roomie Dave I was even able to throw together a menu in the alotted 15 minutes. Swell job, Dave! Right as I was ready to step out the door, I got a call from my uncle PJ who met up with me for dinner at the dining hall. We got a chance to talk in between my bouts as a waiter. I'm pretty inexperienced in the field of waitering, but thankfully Sean and Margaret were able to make it safely through my server debut. (Although I almost took Margaret out with a glass. Oops.)

Later that night I watched The Emperor's New Groove (again!) at P.E. That movie is quickly replacing Zoolander as the movie of the semester. Speaking of which, my roommate Chris and I have formed Z.A — Zoolander Anonymous — with the stated goal of gaining control over our unfortunate tendancies of using Zoolander phrases too much, appling Zoolander inflections to our speech, and flashing Blue Steel and Magnun far too frequently. Now that we have accountability partners, we should make some progress.

Saturday brought preparations for the Junior Parents Weekend luncheon, which went off without a hitch. Sean and I lended a hand for the second year in a row (although he was more involved than I, and Dave stepped in as well). All I can say is that we are not helping at all next year when it's our luncheon. I also met with the ASBTPC or Alabama Spring Break Trip Planning Committee so we could (you guessed it) plan our spring break trip to Mobile, Alabama. I put myself in charge of producing the Road Rules Alabama video of our trip. We'll see how it goes.

Also: I saw The Ring Saturday night with Elizabeth, Marie Christine, and Chris. It was cool, but not nearly as scary as I heard it was. (There was one pretty freaky part near the end ? watch out!) Sunday means preparation for the week. Scholastic time is here and we're getting down to business. The long week ahead means I need to get started now, either with homework or sleep. We'll see which it is.
