A Picture Worth 140,000 Words

17 October 2008
2:01 PM

Some classmates introduced me to Wordle this week, a site that creates amazing displays of words based on their frequency. In addition to producing beautiful results, the program is fun to use. You can adjust all the settings: choose different typefaces, word arrangements, and color schemes.

I decided to give it a whirl, but with my entire website. I used my blogging software to create a text file with everything I have written here—140,000 words—and I uploaded it for Wordle to process. Here are the major themes in all that text:

Word chart of my site
Word chart of my site produced by Wordle.

Once you start making wordles it can be addicting. I kept looking for things that I have written to put into the system. I uploaded my senior philosophy thesis, emails, source code for computer programs. Get some text and try it out for yourself.
