Cathedral in Concepción

28 October 2005
6:58 PM

I’m a member with Flickr, an online photo sharing site (if you have a digital camera, you should check it out). On this site you can upload photos to share with others, order prints, post pictures to your blog, and even make authentic U.S. postage stamps with your photos (unfortunately they’re pricy for now—$0.83 for a $0.37 stamp). Because Flickr is a community photo site, there are also various groups where people share photos with similar themes. There are groups on everything from Notre Dame to churches.

This past week in the churches group, my photo of this cathedral in Concepción, Bolivia won the “church of the week” award. No, it doesn’t really mean much, but it’s something fun. I regret not taking a better picture—it’s not very good technically. But regardless, it is very different looking than many other churches around the world.
