A problem I don't understand

16 October 2005
5:41 PM

A week ago I realized I have the exact opposite problem in South America that I had in college: I have time to read, but no books. After we returned from Santa Cruz, I started the last English book I brought with me, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Seven hours later, I had nothing left to read (so much for savoring the story—when will the last one be released?). Since I left home, I’ve read the following:

All have been quite good surprisingly, considering the number of mediocre books available (even Getting to Yes was enjoyable, though I admit it has a dull-sounding title). For now, I dealt with the problem by buying a book when I was downtown: Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal, a Spanish translation of the first book in the series. Reading it is sure to be slow going, though good practice. Right now I’m still on chapter one, “El niño que vivió” (“The boy who lived”).

My Spanish Harry Potter nonwithstanding, I still have something of a book problem. If you have read anything recently (or ever, for that matter) that you would recommend, leave a comment with your suggestion. I like fiction and non-fiction alike—but no Danielle Steel or the equivalent in other genres. I have time to read, but not reading time to waste.
