Spring Break!

6 March 2004
9:55 AM

After a tough midterms week, Saturday has finally arrived and I'm about to head out for break. For the next week I'll be in the Coachella Valley in California as part of a learning seminar on Hispanic spirituality.

During the next week, the 11 other people in my group and I are going to meet with immigration policy lawyers, visit fields where low-paid workers work, and live with families from the parish of Nuestra Se?ora de Soledad. There is a chance that my host family won't speak any or very little English. With any luck, though, it will turn out that I've learned something in the past few years in Spanish class.

In a few minutes, we're leaving on a bus for Chicago Midway and catching a flight to LAX. 80 to 90 degrees and clear skies, here I come!
